Setup Hugo and Github

This blog post is part of a series called How this blog is made.

This blog post is about how to set up a Github Repository and Hugo to create a static website which looks like my blog here.

We will be focusing on this part of the diagram:


  1. Install Hugo-extended.

  2. Create a new Github Repository.

    Create Github Repo

  3. Clone the Github Repository.

git clone<YourAccount>/<Your-Repository>.git
  1. Start a fresh Hugo site.
hugo new site <Your-Repository>
  1. Choose a theme and add it to your project. I will go with Codex.
cd <Your-Repository>
git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-codex
  1. For the codex theme start with their example config.toml and example _index.html.
# Copy the startpage
cp themes/codex/exampleSite/content/_index.html content/_index.html

# Copy the config file
cp themes/codex/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml

# Remove the first two lines from the config file
sed -i '1d;2d' config.toml
  1. Create your first blog post.
hugo new blog/
  1. Start the demo server to look at your site on localhost:1313.
hugo server -D

Now you can create more blog posts and start editing your page. To build your static website (and minify your page) use:

hugo --minify

This will create a folder <Your-Repository>/public with all the files you need to host your website.